The following "" URLs-webpages examples publicly display most of John's profiles as upper-screen menu items. In actual use, a WebBIZcard user selects which of his profile-URLs are public or private, and user also names the URLs' file suffixes. By selecting his URLs, user can generate differing views of his profiles for different visitors.

WebBIZcards' distinguishing characteristics are:
  • Instead of "", any permission-granted domain name could have been used instead.
  • The URL-pages' data are exchangeable with URL-pages from other domains.
April 19, 2024 John Smith
Welcome. If this is a business matter, please click here to see John Smith’s work as a strategic marketer for or inventor of If personal matter, please complete below email form; John’s personal time is involved with sponsoring and hosting activities for’s groups Houston-Outside and HoustonDodgeball, among the largest outdoors activities for adults in Houston, and with creating a vocal-learning method, called VocalPosture.
Contact John

On this alpha version, please email directly to


On this alpha version, please email directly to

Note: Form is not operational